29 Dec 2008

Request your FREE Perfume Sample

Request your FREE Sample of 91X Rocawear...

The 91X lifestyle is an aspirational one inspired by Rocawear founder Jay-Z. To the young men who wear it, 91X embodies the spirit of style, success and the desire to chase a dream. 91X Rocawear is a fresh woody aromatic fragrance with a sexy modern sexuality. Click below link & fill in your details on the form to receive your FREE 91X Rocawear sample.


凉拌菜 - 金针菇

金针菇最大的好处是抵抗疲劳,其次是抗菌消炎,清除重金属盐类物质、抗肿瘤等等。我们上班族工作节奏快、压力大,时常会感到紧 、困倦、 力、注意力不集中等,金针菇能有效地帮助我们增强机体的生物活性,促进体内新陈代谢,有利于食物中各种营养的吸收和利用。 做金针菇之前最好用开水氽烫一下,在水里放一小勺盐,可以起到杀菌的作用


原料:金针菇100g 鲜蘑50g 红辣椒20g 大葱20g 黄瓜50g,水晶粉40g 牛肉50g
调料:盐4g 味精2g 生抽2g 料酒2g 生粉3g 甜面酱5g 白芝麻2g 香油5g 白糖4g 海鲜酱油2g


原料:金针菇100g 蟹肉棒150g
调料: 盐3g 味精2g 香油4g 米醋3g 香葱3g






牛肉 - 蔬菜浓汤/炖牛肉


原料: 牛肉100g 土豆50g 洋葱50g 芹菜茎50g 蕃茄100g 面粉15g
调料: 盐2g 味精1g 黑胡椒碎3g 黄油5g




原料:牛肉300g 西红柿200g
调料:料酒5g 酱油10g 花椒2g 大料4g 桂皮4g 草果4g 盐8g 鸡精2g 姜片3g 葱花3g 蒜片3g 香菜1g 牛奶10g 啤酒50g









原料:茄子200g 肉馅80g

料酒5g 酱油10g 盐8g 醋5g 糖5g 淀粉3g 葱3g 姜3g 蒜3g
味精lg 豆瓣辣酱5g 做法:1、茄子洗净去皮、去蒂,切段后放入盐水中浸泡后,控干水份。



绍酒鸡 & 三黄鸡炖土豆


调料:绍酒150g 盐6g 鸡精3g 红枣20g 桂圆20g 枸杞子10g 鸡汤150g



原料:三黄鸡半只 土豆两个 
调料:葱5g 干红辣椒2g 花椒1g 大料2g 香叶1g 料酒5g 老抽4g 糖5g 盐5g 鸡精2g


25 Dec 2008

红烧/清蒸/羹 - 鱼的详细做法

老弟 & S's favorite seafood, fish in particular... not as perfect as mum's though, ok enough...haha copied online recipe , very in detailed. 收藏。。。








水开后加入最重要的黄酒+酱油,是个去腥调味染色的步骤!放入先前的配料一起烧,汤中放入少许盐,要考虑量哦,因为酱油也是咸的,后面还要加酱,包括鱼本 身以及入过味了!不停的把汁浇在鱼上,保证均匀受热!加入一大勺郫县豆酱,这个是我很喜欢的东西,烧一小会,鱼就熟了,时间久了就容易破坏外形!



煎鱼宜用小火,慢火煎出的鱼非常香脆。如果是用来做红烧的鱼,煎时抹适量炸粉,如果没有炸粉,就抹面粉。注意,面粉抹之前要用水和一下。无论煎鱼直接吃还 是用来红烧,油都不能太少,不然糊底,这和是否是“不粘锅”有一定关系,但关系不大。无论煎鱼用来直接吃,还是用来红烧后再吃,都要小火煎至鱼皮金黄色, 才可装碟。




用做红烧鱼的原料一定要先弄干净。葱啊姜啊的自是不用说都要备好,鱼弄干净了之后找一个有点深度的盘子,把鱼放在里头,然后是酱油,还多一点用来让鱼入味 的,不要忘记放料酒,这种荤的多少会有点腥味膻味什么的。过一会儿就可以开始锅里头加油了,油要烧热一点,因为要煎一下,所以也不要太少油了,也在锅里均 匀的洒一点盐,这样等会儿鱼下锅煎就不容易掉皮了。

油温够了就可以小心把鱼放进去煎了,酱油不要放。注意头尾也要煎一下的,过一会儿一面差不多就可以小心翻面了,看看鱼皮是不是掉的好一点了呢?两面都差不 多就可以开始把酱油倒进去了,从鱼身上淋下去就可以了,然后把切好的葱段放进去(鱼身上,香味让他渗透进去)就可以(如果是葱烤鲫鱼,就要很多很多葱 了),然后就是糖了,也记得均匀的放在鱼身就可以了再加点水,盖上锅盖。等闷一会儿可以掀开尝下糖汁的味道,作一下调整。再盖一下,闷一下,糖汁差不多有 点点稠就可以了。关火放点味精鸡精什么的就可以装盆了。

Super 北方家常吧 :) 下一个来个南方的:

原料: 鱼1条
调料: 料酒5g 色拉油10g 葱段10g 姜片10g 葱丝10g姜丝10g 盐5g 香菜2g 红椒丝2g

3、屉锅放水,水开后,将蒸盘放入,中大火蒸10分钟关火,再虚蒸5分钟。 4、将鱼盘从屉上取出,挑取出葱段、姜片,放上葱丝、姜丝,油加热后浇在葱姜丝上,蒸鱼汁也浇上,放上香菜、红椒丝点缀。






原料: 鲈鱼半条/黄菊花1朵/冬笋1支/草菇10个/北豆腐一盒/姜片2片/小葱1根/高汤1大碗。
调料: 盐半大匙、胡椒粉少许、料酒适量、水淀粉3大匙。


2. 鲈鱼忌与牛羊油、奶酪


Source: http://www.shw365.com/mstd/jctj/200702/20757_2.html



羊腿肉 200g








  羊排骨 萝卜干 葱 姜 蒜 香菜
  盐 料酒 老抽 大料 花椒 蜂蜜



















  特 点:豆豉的出现让这羊排挂上了“中国结”,相信会适合更多的热爱中餐的人的口味。豆豉的营养价值绝对可以和牛肉相媲美,它的某些元素,比如钙元素甚至远远 高于牛肉,并含有大豆中的各种有益成分,因此有“营养丸”之称。而经由烘烤的羊肉吃起来有些脆,肉质更嫩,味道和油煎的羊排有天壤之别。





























选用新鲜羊排,按我们新疆的话说要羊羔肉,将汤锅(大)置于火上,加入冷水,水要淹过肉多以些(加多少由羊排的克数来定),放入羊排,(羊排不要切成小 段),大火将水烧开,撇去最上面的浮沫。中火炖5-10分钟,加入少许花椒和姜片(目的是去惺),改小火炖大约1小时,其实要是羊羔肉40分钟就可以了。
排骨快炖好时,你需要做一些工作。剥1棵葱,洗净切成细末,放入一个小盆里备用。肉炖好后,将羊排捞出放入一个大盘中,不要关火,改大火让汤沸腾,在放葱 的小盆里放入一些盐,舀一些汤在这个小盆里,拿勺子搅让盐融化,由葱香气。把这个盆里均匀的汤倒在排骨上,即可。


备餐时间:20分钟 烹饪:15-20分钟

原料:羊排200克、酥皮100克、牛奶200克、土豆粉120克、大蒜肉20克、整蒜一只、青椒、红椒、 白萝卜、胡萝卜各10克,醋油汁15克、法式粒状芥末15克、橄榄油100克(蚝油20克)



3、如此反复将所有羊排包好。 然后放入烤盘,送入预热400度(华氏)的烤箱。 定时每面20分钟。
4、40分钟后再每面10-15分钟(依羊排数量多少而订)。 这样大约1个小时后香香的烤羊排就可以出炉了。















调料:色拉油2000克,红椒米15克,香芹米15克,干椒段5克, 蒜蓉15克,姜米15克,孜然10克,姜片15克,朝天椒15克,精盐、味精、鸡精各10克,胡椒粉3克,糖色10克,八角、桂皮、香叶、草果各5克,四 川红油豆瓣酱20克,红油10克,淀粉20克,高汤500克。






24 Dec 2008

Sydney Bulk Billing - Medicare



RANDWICK: 去EastGarden的MedicalCenter看一下,里面有个香港医生会说普通话

BURWOOD: RTA对面的黄立益. 周一到周六. 医术一般,但还算认真

HURSTVILLE: Medical Center,就在HSBC对面,全是中国人,开7天。我看的是Marry Chan Lim, 还不错。

Campsie: Dr. CHAN32 ANGLO ROAD COMPSIETEL: 97895341


李怀岳医生,男,suite 3, level 2, 66 Archer Street, chatswood. 9412 4733. 非常有耐心,等他看病的人大多是老年人,而且每回去都是人满为患.可以做全面的身体检查,包括心电图.

伍余毓(yu)秀,女,每周二和周五来上面的这个诊所诊病.擅长妇科,和妇女全面身体检查,如胸检,验血等,和孕育宝宝计划.上次我去看病,做身体检查, 她花费了45分钟在我身上,让我受宠若惊,因为别的医生恨不得5分钟就把我打发出去.她是必须要预约才行的,所以请打上面的预约电话.

陶医生,女,24 小时 medical centre,chatswood chase 对面.这个医疗中心好处就在于营业时间是9:00早--10:00晚,10点之后药房是24小时营业,但是只有药剂师,就没有医生了.她周一---周五上班,很方便.以上3位都是可以使用medicare card,免费.

Chatswood 火车站附近有个 SMC (Station medical center) 里面有女医生。有一个是台湾来的能说普通话。AddressLevel 3, 430 Victoria AveChatswoodNSW, 2067AustraliaContact Details02) 9411 7916

Burwood - Burwood Rd上,往Westfield方向,过了George St, 旁边是配眼镜的,再旁边就是个pharmacy,里面都3个会说国语和粤语的。有一个Dr Lee周6和平时的晚上当班

Burwood有一家Medical Practice,在Burwood路179号, 里面有会说中文的GP,男女医生都有,可以抽血,bulk billing, 电话:9747 6327。

Ashfield 火车站对面的family medical centre有个华人GP Dr. Chan还不错


Archer Family Medical Centre - 66 Archer Street 上电梯。Telephone 9412 4733全家都去那里好多年了。算是family doctor了吧。

Chatswood王虹,女,中医师,在这一带很有名气,但是我没去看过,只听说针灸和火罐做的特别好,还有按摩.1/341 victoria Ave chatswood. 9884 9586, 周一--周五,9:00--6:30.



22 Dec 2008

Xmas & Boxing Day !! Plan??

Due to the recession, its likely that boxing day sales this year to be better than most years ever because shops want to clear stock, esp fashion stuff, thx to be in logistics industry, clearly know the most killing thing would be stock - can u image what million they can possibly waste on these?? I can never think about that figure before stepping into this industry, so....lucky us, if luckier, we can catch up the last chance of the biggest sales in the next at least 2-3 yrs.

And since most stocks were bought while AUD was high, shops (those intl brands in particular) can afford to give a bigger discount!! Lucky us again, after the great online shopping ends (I was wise enough bought sufficient stocks & haven't shop online since AUD dropped below 0.80), we can still take advantage from the overstocked shops... of couse if they still have great stocks after the huge sales in Nov + Dec.

Go for this year if you indeed need something, I don't think we can be lucky again next year or followings, counting in the low consumption power, however, still believe that sales will be worse because of higher cost price of the ever low OZ$, big risk for shops to hold too much stock.



16 Dec 2008

Enrique Inglesias & His Beautiful Mum

Enrique Inglesias - Half Filipino, Half Spanish

Enrique Miguel Iglesias y Preysler (born on May 8, 1975, in Madrid, Spain) is a Spanish pop singer-songwriter. He is the son of singer Julio Iglesias and Filipina Isabel Preysler.Iglesias's career started on Indie label Fonovisa who helped turn him into one of the most popular artists in Latin America and in the Latin market in the United States, selling more Spanish albums than any other artists in that period of time. - "Rhythm Divine", "Be with You", "Hero"

Even his is my fav. singer, but next is the thing really amazed me!!!! check this pic out - guess how old is this beauty...Would u say 30+, I did. She is the mother of Enrique!!! yeah... 57 yrs old

Isabel Preysler (born Maria Isabel Arrástia Preysler on February 18, 1951 in Manila, Philippines) is a Filipina journalist, model and former TV talk show host in Madrid, Spain. She is known in the Spanish press as "La Reina de Corazones" (the Queen of Hearts) ever since a best-selling biography by the same name was published about her.

Preysler was born in San Lorenzo, Manila, Philippines, the third of six children to a rich business Filipino family of Basque-Spanish descent. She attended the Assumption Convent, a private Catholic school. Due to her good behaviour, she was often selected to represent the Virgin Mary in the local Christmas nativity scenes. Her older brother Enrique died in Hong Kong due to a heroin overdose. She named her second son Enrique Iglesias, in honor of her deceased brother. During her youth, Isabel participated in a charity beauty pageant for the Sheraton Hotel in Manila and was crowned queen. Jun Ikalav, a playboy with a bad reputation, started dating Isabel. This worried her parents, and at the age of 18, she was sent to live in Madrid with her uncle and aunt to study at Mary Ward College, an Irish Catholic university in Spain, where she studied Accounting. - (this is quite similar with my story, come to Aust at 18 studied accounting, but the rest are so different...)

It was at a party in 1970 that she was introduced to a family friend by the name of Julio Iglesias, who at the time was not yet a famous singer. The couple had their wedding just seven months later and were married for seven years, during which time they had three children, Chabeli, Julio Jr. and Enrique. In accordance with their rising careers, Julio as a singer, and Isabel as a model in Spain and Europe, they exploded onto the scene in 1971 and became overnight superstars in Spain and Latin America.Following their divorce in 1978, Isabel launched her own career as a journalist for Spanish magazine ¡Hola! and her first interviewee was Julio himself. She also interviewed Richard Chamberlain.

She married the Marquis de Grignon, Carlos Falcó, on 23 March 1980, a short-lived marriage resulted in the birth of a second daughter, Tamara. She later married former Spanish finance minister, Miguel Boyer, with whom she has another daughter, Ana. This marriage symbolized for critics the alliance of the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers Party, part of the leftist opposition to Francisco Franco, and to the "beautiful people" (aristocracy and bourgeoisie).Often dubbed "La Perla de Manila" by the Spanish media ("The Pearl of Manila"), readers at Hola magazine have voted Isabel as the most elegant and best-dressed woman in Spain for 1991, 2002, and 2004, and she has consistently topped the best-dressed lists over the years in various Spanish magazines.In 1984, she hosted the Spanish lifestyle TV programme, "Hoy." She has been chosen by several companies to be an image sponsor for their products, including Ferrero Rocher, Suárez jewelery, and, most notably, the Spanish tile company, Porcelanosa.

She is also friends with Miriam Quiambao, Miss Philippines-Universe 1999, ever since they met at a party hosted by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a national newspaper, and with fellow Filipina and acclaimed fashion designer Monique Lhuillier, who she met in Los Angeles during a trip. She is known to wear Lhullier gowns at social events in Spain.In May 2001, she was Prince Charles' guest of honour for the opening of his Spanish Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show in England. She was his guest of honor again in 2005 at a garden party during a trip to Spain by the Royal Crown. In 2004, she became Spain's welcoming host for David and Victoria Beckham when she hosted a welcoming party at her house for the celebrity couple. She became close friends with Victoria and was often photographed shopping with her during their stay in Madrid.

Most recently she launched her official website at the suggestion of her son Enrique, who is one of her biggest fans. She continues to be the national spokesmodel for Ferrero Rocher, Suárez jewelery, Manolo Blahnik shoes, Chrysler cars, and Porcelanosa tiles, for which American actor George Clooney recently joined her in Fall 2006 to represent the brand in a new advertising campaign. In 2006, she was also honored along with Hillary Clinton, Shakira, and Yoko Ono among others with the Women Together Award, which honors women for their philanthropical contributions to the United Nations in New York, making her the first Filipina woman in history to ever win the prestigious honor. In 2007, she and her daughters were invited by Prince Charles of England to be guests of honor at the Clarence house at their estate in Britain and was voted out of a total of more than 40,000 Hola magazine readers as the most elegant woman in Spain.


12 Dec 2008


忘了PO了,诸位亲爱的美眉, 别打我呀...

After the HUGE success of the first designer sale in September this year, the team behind THE BIG FASHION SALE are excited to announce that they will be hosting yet another sale this December, this time bigger and better with even more Exclusive Australian labels and heaps more discounted stock, samples, seconds and one offs.

Schwipe | Friedrich Gray | Asuza | Romance Was Born | Shadows and Dust | Elke Kramer | Shakuhachi | Material Boy | Matt Weston | Shona Joy | Gary Begini | Nathan Smith | Kate Hurst | Michelle Robinson | Applegator Shoes | Zoe Mou | And much more…………….

Just in time for Xmas shopping!


China Heights Gallery
257 Crown St,
Surry Hills NSW

Friday 12th Dec 10am - 6pm
Saturday 13th Dec 10am - 6pm
Sunday 14th Dec 10am - 5pm

Prices are going to be as low as $10, with up to 75% off!

See you on Sunday???

6 Dec 2008


Source: http://i.chinaren.com/group/msg/13636/122838795558217

2 Dec 2008

Perfume Sale @ Rosebery

Perfume Sale @ Rosebery just round the corner from the S&B sale!
Warehouse 5ARear of 1 Rosebery Ave
Saturday 4/12 10am-2pmMon-Fri 6/12-10/12 12pm-3pmSat 11/12 10am-3pm
Eftpos and Credit Cards welcome, no AMEX or DINERS
Stock mens and womans, mostly in packs which aren't more than $70- Lolita Lempicka, Gucci Rush, Envy, Valentino, Anna Sui, Dolce and Gabbanna, Dunhill, Chrome by Azzaro plus heaps more, and some Clarins stuff too

30 Nov 2008

2008 XMAS Sales


1. Honey & Beau are having a huge sample sale with massive discounts on current summer trends and summer and winter samples.Tops from $10Dresses from $20Jackets from $30
WHEN:Thursday 4th December 2008 - Sunday 7th December 2008
TIMES:10am - 6pm Daily
WHERE:86a Cnr McEvoy & McCauley St, Alexandria
Win List: will go on Sun, get S to take me there.

2. Shona Joy: T-shirts from $10, printed cotton and silk dresses from $40 & never seen before, one off samples

WHEN: Thursday 4th December 2008 - Saturday 6th December 2008
TIMES:Thursday: 9am - 7pmFriday: 9am - 5pmSaturday: 10am - 2pm
WHERE:room 5, level 1, 617 Elizabeth St, Redfern

Win List: quick shop with J. on Thur, few stocks whereas quality were pretty outstanding...
Brown Top - 100% cotton - $10
Golden Brown coat/dress - unique design, goes well with every single one piece - $70

3. Spencer & Rutherford Clearance Sale - Up to 60% off - Bags & Clothes

WHEN: Thursday 4th December - Saturday 6th December

TIMES: Thursday: 5pm - 9pm Friday: 11am - 8pm Saturday: 10am - 4pm

WHERE: Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden St Alexandria

No chance to visit, Sat was horribly hot...their collection are still too expensive & bit not my style...leave to next yr.


Leather bags from $50, casual bags from $20, leather belts from $15, wallets from $5, costume jewellery, summer shoes, and lots more all reduced to well below wholesale prices, as well as lots of new season samples at reduced prices.

WHEN:December 9th 2008 - December 13th 2008

TIMES: Tue - Wed: 9am– 5pm, Thu: 9am - 7pm , Fri: 9am – 5pm and Sat: 9am – 4pm

WHERE: Address: Gate 4. Building F, 13 Joynton Avenue Zetland (access via Merton Street, just off Elizabeth St) Ph: 02 96991930

Payment: EFT, M/C, VISA, 10% discount for cash

5. Cassette Society Warehouse Sale:

Massively reduced prices on all cassette society coveted summer pieces. Up to 70% off ....Printed Tees, Jersey Dresses, Cotton Vests, Denim & Accessories. Prices start at $10

WHEN: Friday 5th December 2008 - Saturday 6th of December 2008

TIMES: Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-4pm

WHERE: G/F, 125 Queen St Beaconsfield

Win List: missed

6. George Clothing Warehousing Sale:

The George warehouse clearance sale has 75 % off everything including 2008 fashion ranges, samples and seconds.

When: Saturday 6th Dec, 8.30am-3pm.
Where: 38 Ricketty Street, Mascot (02) 9304 6800.

Win List: missed, had their red top from Town Hall 2yrs ago, nice design but more formal, hardly find dayware...

7. Cooper St Clothing

up to 70% off dresses and separates including one-off samples and current stock, with prices starting from $20.

When: Friday 5th Dec, 8am-4pm and Saturday 6th Dec, 9am-3pm.
Where: 3 Little Collins Street, Surry Hills (02) 9211 4511

Win List: Good Bargin - bought 6 for $80, simple pieces for putting together with others to give the unique look

8. Tigerlily

Offering up to 80% off both Summer and Winter stock, this is a perfect time to pick up a Christmas gift!

WHEN: Thursday December 4th 2008 - Saturday December 6th 2008

TIMES: Thursday: 10am - 7pm Friday: 10am- 5pm Saturday:10am- 3pm

WHERE: Suite 101/Level 1, 267 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills

Win List: will never waste time on this brand again.

9. Jayson Brunsdon

Biggest yearly sale on December 5/6.

All to be cleared at up to 80 per cent off. Prices from $10, dresses from $100, separates $50 and under, evening wear/gowns from $100, shoes from $20 and accessories from $10. Cash Only

WHEN: Friday December 5th 2008 - Saturday December 6th 2008

TIMES: 10am-4pm

WHERE: 60 Cooper St, Surry Hills (entrance via Cooper Lane)

Win List: J, leave u to comment.

10. Lili Handbags/ Missco - UP TO 80% OFF

When:5th , 6th and 7th December 2008
Where: Unit 5, 5-15 Epsom Road, Rosebery Near the corner of Epsom and Botany Rds (next to Rosebery Hotel)
Payment: Cash , Eftpos and major credit cards accepted .
Time: Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Saturday - 9 am to 5 pm Sunday - 10 am to 3 pm

Shoes :

Andrea & Joen Spring Sales (www.andreaandjoen.com)

Jewllery Sales:

1. Mushu and Polli - jewellery and handbags

50 to 80 per cent offfrom labels including Manning Cartell, Marnie Skillings, Bec & Bridge and Arabella Ramsay.
540 Crown Street, Surry Hills (02) 9690 2098.

Win List: disappointed, not many choices with only 15% off not advertised 50-80%

2. Holly Jones Sales:


For one night only you are invited to an exclusive jewellery shopping night. Grab gorgeous Christmas gifts & enjoy a glass of champagne!
Up to 70% off past collections, current samples and one-off designs.

From $20.
Lucky Door Prize: $100 gift voucher to spend on the night or online at the Holly Jones Online Boutique

WHEN: Thursday 4th December, 2008
WHERE: Studio - Suite 1, 40 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089
TIME: 5pm - 9pm
PAYMENT: Cash, Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, Amex

28 Nov 2008


乳鴿肉質鮮甜可口,具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特點,常食不僅能滋陰益腎,還對神經衰弱、健忘、失眠等癥有療效。乳鴿以清蒸、燉煮、紅燒、鹵水和焗烤之法最為多 見,而遊萌今天做的香辣乳鴿,是先將其煮至斷生,取出斬件後,下鍋與辣椒一同爆炒而成,吃時鴿肉鮮美多汁,還有鮮辣的口感。




  1 指天椒去蒂切成圈,幹辣椒也切成圈;蒜頭拍扁去衣,蔥切段,姜切片;乳鴿洗凈,瀝幹水待用。

  2 燒熱半鍋水,放入幹辣椒、蔥段、香葉和姜片,加入1湯匙料酒,以大火煮沸後,放入乳鴿改小火煮15分鐘。

  3 撈起乳鴿,瀝幹水攤涼後,將乳鴿斬成塊狀。

  4 燒熱3湯匙油,放入蒜頭、蔥段、幹辣椒、指天椒、香葉和姜片,以小火炒至香氣四溢。

  5 倒入乳鴿塊,與鍋內食材一同炒勻,開大火爆炒1分鐘。

  6 加入1/3湯匙鹽、1/2湯匙生抽王、1/2湯匙雞粉和1/5湯匙白糖調味,便可上碟。






來源:大洋網 - 信息時報







鹽水自我按摩美容方法:7 Z+ n1 G; V! o' ]6 c( S5 t
- w1 }* P0 `1 Y3 J- J
8 q( ~* i) H& r; g) }. f8 x4 t( r2 m
; ?0 e b( Z9 a: h+ ] ^! y0 y. B  2、用右手中指指腹先按摩兩眉中間的印堂穴,以順時針方向旋轉100次。然後雙手中指指腹按壓兩眉之間,按壓處自下而上,推運額部至前發際處,再由額部自上而下反推至兩眉間。如此反復推運10-20次。# Y* _" m' k" r/ ?& T

3 O; D- b9 o: Y! E8 o% I  3、用雙手中指或拇指 指腹先輕微指壓太陽穴(眉梢與眼外眥之間向後3.3厘米處)約1分鐘,然後雙指對旋100次。再用兩側中指指腹由太陽穴起,沿眉下推運到眼內眥,由內眥經 下眼眶推運至眼外眥。如此按摩眼圈重復做10-20次推運按摩。再用雙掌根輕微安撫兩側眼窩(兩眼要輕輕閉合),輕輕施力,做相對旋轉按摩50次(以防眼 瞼和眼袋下垂)。
1 w3 v& m0 ]9 b; z) @. W7 I0 x. O9 t( [. S
  4、用雙手中指和環指指腹從下至上挑起眼外眥的魚尾紋,左右兩側各挑起10-20次。8 {1 l `$ }1 }& \# _

/ z2 H; \( b% p5 R- ]( [  以上以指腹按摩手法應避免損傷皮膚宜用輕按、輕柔、輕運、輕推,以免皮下組織受強力按摩而損傷,導致皮下淤血與皮膚松弛。

; |3 Q# n+ Q7 @2 B
8 p) l8 T/ M- \+ N  6、用雙手示指及中指指腹,以輕推運法由鼻唇溝沿鼻兩側向上移動,再用環指和小指在前額部輕微拖力撫壓。註意施力撫壓時,皮膚表面不移動。
8 q: Q; H6 s* C7 C: P' {
3 X2 y, z3 u+ S! p* x. C; ?  7、用拇指指腹及食指第二關節撓側面成涅夾式,順著口輪匝肌方向輕輕捏揉,不能用力過大和牽拉太重。適用於幹性皮膚。以增強血液循環,減少皺紋,增強彈性。$ A9 y- ]7 @& {5 H0 z4 ]% ?" s4 l* U
! y$ s6 r& \* d
6 L* C! g8 ~5 h5 i6 L$ i% d1 v
: b8 s7 C' S1 y) d1 t8 M: n4 [$ r  顏面按摩雖然可以使面容更美、更動人,但要註意按摩方向不能錯,原則是應由裏向外,自下而上這個順序。手指動作與皮膚皺紋成垂直方向。按摩施力時要輕微。如面部有炎癥、外傷、化膿和其他病變時,必要輕易按摩,以防感染擴散和病情加重。
6 x0 N* O8 V/ z% v+ a/ X3 s- c4 `5 t$ e D9 S1 H) r! Z7 ?
" j9 t1 D, x' K& ~ \

10 Nov 2008

Essential Oil

YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata)

Ylang Ylang means "flowers of flowers" and the tree is prized for its wonderful fragrant flowers.It is from these flowers that this beautiful oil is derived.Being much more affordable than Jasmine, it is a wonderful substitute, as it's properties and perfume are similar. Aids dry, oily or combination skin. Is a tonic for dry scalp, and is used in hair tonics to encourage growth and shine. Helps relieve nervous tension, stress, mild anxiety and insomnia.

Blends well with Bergamot, Jasmine, Lemon, Rose and Sandalwood.A known aphrodisiac.
YLANG YLANG OIL CAUTION NOTE: This Oil can become very overpowering if used in large amounts, so use very sparingly.Blending it with citrus oils will tone it down.

GERANIUM (Pelargonium graveolens)
Antibacterial, antifungal, refreshing, uplifting and cleansing. This beautiful aromatic oil blends well with most other oils, harmonising and balancing them.Sometimes known as the "womans oil" due to its regulative effect on the hormones. It is, therefore, a valuable aid for problems associated with a fluctuating hormone balance.Helps ease depression and nervous tension during menopause.A helpful oil for the treatment of cuts and wounds as it encourages speedy healing.Useful for acne, bruises, burns. Balances sebum production in the skin, thereby normalising and balancing both dry and oily skin.
GERANIUM OIL CAUTION NOTE: Can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Pure Tea Tree Essential Oil is ranked as being the Number 2 of the top ANTISEPTIC oils, and is reputed to be 100 times stronger than carbolic acid but of course Tea Tree is extremely safe to use. (Thyme is No.1, but caution is needed with that oil).Tea Tree Oil is ANTIFUNGAL, ANTIBACTERIAL and ANTISEPTIC making it a medicine chest in a bottle.Pure Tea Tree Oil is used to treat a long list of ailments.Some of these include treatment of abscesses, acne, athletes foot, boils, blisters, blemishes, burns and minor scalds, rashes, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, insect bites, ringworm, nappy rash and infected wounds. It is one of the few Essential Oils that can be used undilluted on small areas of skin.

30 June 2008


When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind।
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply।
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around।
When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person ....

Find a guy ...
who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
who calls you back when you hang up on him.
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy
who ... kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!!

28 June 2008

Wood/Timber - Import/Export

Scope of Trade

Raw Materials
U local logs: birch, pine, aspen, Manchurian Ash, oak wood, Yumushan, mahogany, cedar; paper timber, mining, such as using pit prop

Imported logs: wood Africa, North America wood, wood Europe, South America, build, build Southeast Asia, Australia materials, such as wood Russia

U Sheet: wood-based panels, plywood, Glulam, blockboard, decorated panels, architectural template, fibreboard, Tiemianban, Miduban, particleboard, wood finish, veneer, Zhujiaoban barks, referring to build, fight Plate wood, decorative plates, Multilayer, fire boards, stairs board, the container floor, floor pieces, such as Muxiantiao

U barks: Natural barks and barks, and other technology

http://www.chinawood.org/website/index.jsp China Wood (Chinese Version)

http://www.chinawood.net/english/index.jsp China Wood (English Version)

http://xn--vhqqbw1s58bm2ft15adv2byw1a.cn/index.aspx The Wood (Chinese Version)

23 June 2008


原料:虾仁150克、紫菜1张 、鸡蛋1个调料:盐、味精、料酒、白胡椒粉 、蛋清半个






1. 鸡汁土豆泥:锅烧热放少许油下一大勺鸡汤、盐、黑胡椒粉及芡粉烧浓浇到鸡汁土豆泥上,撒上葱花。2. 蓝莓土豆泥:将酸奶和蓝莓果酱搅匀浇到土豆泥上。

21 June 2008

Paella - Spain Rice

Paella 西班牙海鮮飯

Ingredients for 4 persons
1 medium chicken
1 medium rabbit
2 medium ripe chopped tomatoes
165 grs. wide green bean ( spanish-bachoqueta)
130 grs. large white lima beans ( spanish-garrafon)
1 level teaspoon of saffron
3 cups of spanish rice
8 cups of hot water or ( even better chicken broth)
olive oil ( enough to cover the bottom of the paella pan)
salt ( to taste)
1 level teaspoon of sweet red paprika

First, heat the oil and when it is hot enough, add the rabbit and chicken (lightly salted ) and fry unitl lightly browned. Then add the white and green beans and cook them together with the meat. While they are cooking, make a clearance in the middle of the paella pans and fry the chopped tomatoes until they look a little pasty, quickly adding the paprika, stirring quickly and immediately adding the hot water or broth until it is almost to the top of the paella pans edge.

Cook all the ingredients for about 20 minutes over a high fire and tasting for salt. After 20 minutes we add the rice, distributing it evenly, making sure the rice is covered with liquid. The fire should be fairly high, not interrupting the boil. It takes about 20 minutes for the paella rice to cook. Do not stir the rice once you have added it to the paella pans, just change its position so that the fire gets to all patrs equally. All the broth should be absorbed when finished. Take the paella off the fire and let stand for about 10 minutes covering the top with newspaper. If the rice has been cooked correctly, the rice grains should be loose, not clumped together or having a mushy texture.

http://www.mediterrasian.com/cuisine_of_month_paella.htm - Recipe

20 June 2008

Amazing Vitas !!! Prepare to be amazed!!!

Inva Mulla Tchako - The diva dance
Can't stand Vitas's eyes & voice!!!


Amazing Video - Finger Painting

Moving to Tears

James Blunt


Angels and Demons - Dan Brown

Movie Release date: USA 12/12/08, guess the same day in AU??

Fav. Novel ever!!!! So looking forward to seeing the film, but.... seems Da Vinci Code used out last bit of luck & eventually God get involved this time...
The major shooting scenes in Rome churches were banned by Vatican, Santa Maria del Popolo and Santa Maria della Vittoria won't be in the film... can't image what the film would be like if without them... Maybe using computing special visual effects just like Gladiator???

Considering those awesome creative ideas, I don't really mind the divergences from facts, however, to ppl have faith in Jesus, it must be some humiliated thing if the archbishop allow this anti-catholic author taking his 'mendacious' story, shooting around the sacred places & showing the world how he makes 'Gospels upside down'. While, understandable but still sad... When can I see it? Can the movie beat the novel? I am CRYing to see...@_@ If in my world, there is a god, I will knee & beg with my sincere heart.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angels_and_Demons - Angels & Demons - Background Info
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Angels_and_Demons/Divergence_from_reality - Divergences

19 June 2008

Best Pics









17 June 2008

Sydney Beaches

Palm Beach, about 14 miles north of Manly (1hr drive) and known as "Palmie," is locally considered the jewel of the northern beaches. Its beautiful remoteness s the reason celebs have chosen to buy holiday homes here, and visitors tend to be equally flush.

http://www.palmbeachbandb.com.au/palmbeach/index.html - Official Site
http://www.palmbeachbandb.com.au/palmbeach/maplarge.html - Detailed Map

Manly, about seven miles north of Sydney via a half-hour ferry ride from Circular Quay or by car from the city center, looks and feels like a holiday resort. The Corso, the main street that connects the beach with the harborside ferry wharf, is lined with boutiques and alfresco cafes.

Bondi, Australia's most famous beach, is about four miles from the city center. Finding a parking spot among the surrounding cafes and surf-wear shops is nearly impossible, but if you come early you can stake out a spot on the half-moon of golden sand and settle in for a day of the best swimming, sunning, and people-watching in Sydney.

A mile or so farther south is Coogee, a sort of mini-Bondi that's increasingly popular with the young, good-looking backpacker set. There's not much surf here, so it also attracts families with young children.

Waratah Park Earth Sanctuary

Address: 13 Namba Rd DUFFYS FOREST
Tel: 02 9986 1788

Signposted from Mona Vale Rd at Terrey Hills (6kms from the turn off). Follow McCarrs Creek Rd, turn left onto Booralie Rd and follow it around until you take a left at the fork onto Thuddungarra Rd. Then turn right into Namba Rd and follow to the end.

http://gb.net4p.com/gate/gb/www.101box.com/au_sydney/sydney_waratah.php - Chinese

11 June 2008

Travel Info Website

http://www.expedia.com.au/ - Flight & Hotel & Car Hiring
http://www.wotif.com/ International accommodation booking & Pricing

ASX - Stock Market Investment Plan 2008

1. Focused on buying stocks that were either performing below the ASX 200, or well below their all time price high. Put $10,000 in each stock (diversification), so that we could maximise any increases/minimise risk.

3. We didn't focus on the price of the stock as we understood that it was the percentage rise of the stock that was important.

4. Buying stocks performing below the market but existing in strong sectors, in the hope that they would realign with the market - energy and retail sectors/core stocks (Note: high profile stocks - experienced good growth, but not extream high ranking, sometims need to take much greater risks)

5. Special Oppotunity in 2008: Invest in sectors/companies that have been oversold due to the global credit crisis and the weakness in the US economy. The sharemarket sell-off spelled opportunities to invest in companies which were trading at a much discounted price.

10 June 2008

Most Liveable Cities - 2009 Travel Destination

1. Copenhagen is Scandinavia's most desirable city - Finding a new modernity

2. Munich
emerges as Monocle's most liveable city - A general feeling of Gemütlichkeit boosts Munich to top spot
http://www.yododo.com/area/2-03-06 (chinese)

3. For Zurich, new vibrancy in Switzerland's finance capital - Goodbye gray suits, hello urban cosmopolitans

4: Tokyo's peace behind the glitter - Off neon sidewalks, cobbled streets

5: In Vienna, Mittel-European grandeur meets modernity - An old city finds its place in a new world

6: Helsinki's western chic retains a Finnish edge - Combining nearness of nature with urban design

7: Sydney creates urbanity by the beach - Outdoors lifestyle and a relaxed vibe

8: Stockholm shows the big charms of a small city - Range is wide, distances are small

9: Honolulu is a truly global city - A cosmopolitan palm-fringed metropolis

10: Madrid emerges from Barcelona's shadow - Spain's capital undergoes a renaissance

11: Melbourne's touch of old Europe - Mixing arts and culture with a down-under attitude

12: Montreal mixes French flair and American urbanity

13: Barcelona boasts a cosmopolitan mix - Famously liberal, Barcelona is on the move

15: Vancouver is experiencing a boom - Sports and a strong film industry drive Vancouver's lifestyle

16: Auckland slowly gets to know itself - A revelation for outside perceptions

17: Singapore's newly blossoming cultural landscape - Today's Singapore bears little resemblance to the city of 10 years ago

18: Hamburg's hip, modern metropolis - Germany's start-up capital starts to thrive

19: Paris - rainy, gray, still a great place to live - Paris sneaks into most liveable cities list

20: Geneva's efficient savoir-vivre - Financial drive with a Latin air

8 June 2008


Penne 管麵
Fettuccine 寬麵
Fafalle 蝴蝶麵
Fusilli 螺旋麵
spaghetti 長條形意大利麵
lasagne 千層麵
macaroni 通心粉
squid ink pasta 墨汁意粉
ravioli、tortellini 有餡的意大利雲吞
linguine 幼麵
angel hair 特幼麵

Kung Fu Panda

虽然HOLLYWOOD总以快餐的形式展现中国文化, 但不可否认有些影片真的很ATTRACTIVE... this brilliant panda idea definitely caught me (maybe becasue of Im kinda of panda-looking girl, haha), 先用皮毛去吸引人, 再用精华去感化世人喽.

Not sure when is coming in cinema here, so much looking forward to seeing it, must be better than Indiana Jones 4.

7 June 2008

SaD TaNgO - be a FaN of rAiN

The performance is breathtaking one... try to play & bear the 1st boring 30sec, then you will be paidback by the ever perfect experience... This man (Bi Rain) is from Korean but I was caught off guard by him singing in Japanese, & thanks to the youth in US, language skill is just additional to the young man... you may say the dance is so familiar, yeah, took Usher dancing style, but who cares... (even no one cares about his 'ugly looking' face whereas still be in upper echelons of 'fineness') his talent says everything, to be honest, who can say he is not more attractive than the black buddie... while, i am a fan of both. HEHE...

In this world, hope no one talk about racists & haters any more, no white or black, no asian or curry... but take every piece & bit advantage from all kind of cultures, be grateful, enjoy all sparkling shows & appreciate talented people who delivered the amazing sensation... ♥

1 June 2008

The Phantom of the Opera 080515

The story should be familiar to anyone who's love musical/opera: When Christine upstages the diva Carlotta, thanks to the help of the mysterious Phantom who haunts the Opera Populaire, her childhood sweetheart, Raoul woos the girl and, in turn, incurs the wrath of the Phantom.

Quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life, Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera represents everything that's perfect with much of today's musical theater. This Broadway stage version seems can delight of every fans of Webber's musical, been so elegant, moved to teas, stands toe-to-toe... much better than Joel Schumacher's film (buying $10 DVD is the most regret thing, so dark & make you violently ill), here say Sorry to MaLi, we suppose to share this together, but you were not here....

Lucky enough to grab tickets to this opening night show, certainly had my efforts rewarded. Without question one of the greatest shows to ever hit the stage - stately and beautiful Ana Marina playing Christina and Anthony Warlow in the title role - an unequivocal veteran to the role, was well at home and commanded each scene in which he was placed. Marina on the other hand, while certainly being beautiful onstage and having an undeniable talent, was visibly newer and, whereas, her young voice was less developed.

The sets are of course superb and a demonstration of the very finest work in modern theatre. Moving constantly from brooding caverns to grandiose ballrooms, lighting and sound are masterfully executed. The technical intricacies of the production compete for your attention on the same level as the cast or anthemic music.

The (08/05/15) performance of Phantom of the Opera was a marvellous night of entertainment in all and certainly would be enjoyed by anyone. With such an astonishing lush aesthetic and talented cast, not forgetting the timeless story and music, its easy to be overwhelmed at many points, I’m sure this will please established fans of the Phantom as well as earning a great many new ones. Would really love to go again before it close, of course, with the one who enjoy this...






1. 食物纖維 蕃薯、紅蘿蔔、香菇、無花果、蘋果、蒟弱、筍子、地瓜葉等富有纖維質,幫助腸道蠕動並加速食物移動使糞便早日排出。另外,由於纖維質會在腸道中吸附食物中膽固醇,干擾膽固醇被吸收。

2. 黏性食物 味噌、蘋果、石花菜、髮菜、蘆薈葉肉等黏性及保水性強的多醣類,能吸附膽固醇、膽汁等廢物排出體外,可整腸、消除便秘,防止血糖急速上升。

3. 芝麻 含亞麻仁,而亞麻仁又含有食物纖維及不飽和脂肪酸。纖維可清潔腸道,吸取腸內毒素排出體外,改善便秘,有效預防大腸癌;不飽和脂肪酸可預防動脈硬化。

4. 維生素 可運用維生素來營造有益菌的環境,如維生素B群中的B1、B2、B6有益腸道蠕動;維生素C可增強免疫力;維生素E能調整腸道自律神經。除服用綜合維他命錠外也可從食物中攝取,如五榖類含維生素B群,蔬果多有維生素C,海鮮多有維生素E。

5. 乳酸菌 腸道內壞菌多於有益菌時,容易產生疾病。乳酸菌為體內好菌,維持腸道內菌叢平衡和酸性環境,抑制壞菌並促進蠕動。優酪乳中含乳酸菌,幫助合成維生素。而比菲德氏菌為乳酸菌的1種可活化腸道,某些飲料中有這種菌,購買前可看成分。

6. 發酵食品 像是味噌、紅葡萄酒、納豆等,都具有整腸及提昇免疫力的效果,還能降低糞便的臭味。其中納豆含有某種酵素,能預防心血管疾病。

7. 寡醣 一般超市有賣寡糖,或是洋蔥、香焦、大豆中也含有少量的寡糖,雖人體無法吸收寡糖,但寡糖卻能在腸中被利用,變成腸道內益菌,如比菲德氏菌的營養,幫助保持腸內的清潔,幫助改善便秘,且寡糖更屬於低熱量的醣類,較不易發胖。

8. 啤酒酵母 可抗氧化、抗自由基,並促使碳水化合物變成有能量的B群,並含胺基酸、豐富纖維質,能清潔腸內。一般藥局可購得啤酒酵母錠或啤酒酵母粉。食用前,可依標示說明來服用。

9. 水分 每天必須喝3000cc的水才能讓腸道不乾澀及清腸,且水是最好的溶劑,喝水可幫助體內各種循環,使毒素快速排出,預防便秘

Car Import - Other Interesting Information

1. Auto-Speed Magazine http://www.autospeed.com/
2. Turbo Owners Club http://www.turboclub.com/ -
3. Autech - awesome mods for Skylines http://www.autech.co.jp/EN/index.html
4. Skylines Down Under http://www.skylinesdownunder.com/
5. Modifying import cars www.lycaeum.com/index.html
6. Nissan GTi-R Owners Group Australia http://drive.to/gti-r-oz
7. High Performance Imports Magazine http://www.expresspublications.com.au/
8. Import / Export Advertising Forum http://www.globalcar.com/
9. Z32 (300ZX) information site http://twinturbo.net/
10. S13 Owners Club http://www.egroups.com.au/group/nissan13
11. Toyota Imports Performance Site fbox.vt.edu:10021/A/apogany
12. Toyota Supras http://www.ozsupra.qld.org/
13. Over-boost Internet magazine www.overboost.com/default.asp
14. 180sx specs and parts www.picknowl.com.au/homepages/sneezy/180sx
15. Honda shrine http://www.vtec.com/

Car Import into Aust - Japanese Exporters

AM Auto International http://members.home.net/amauto/
Email: amauto@home.com ICQ#: 35309176
Autorec Enterprises http://www.autorec.co.jp
Carhoo! http://www.carhoo.co.jp - In Japanese only (Bugger!)
Checkered Flag (Spares) http://www.checkerflag.co.jp/cf.html
Dai Ichi Traders http://www.netjoy.ne.jp/~daiichit/index.html
David Zozuk’s Defunkt Motor Company http://www.alles.or.jp/~david/
Global Wholesale http://www.ginz.co.nz
Japan Direct Import Service http://www.mediawars.ne.jp/~kemkem/index.html
Japan Direct Car Imports http://www.bestjapancar.com/ Email sales@bestjapancar.com
Japanese Connection http://www.japaneseconnection.com
Kuroyanagi Shouten http://members.tripod.com/~Carexporter/index-2.html
Nakano Auto Export http://www.pjnet.ne.jp/nakanoauto/
Occidental Cars http://www.occidental.co.jp
Phoenix Japan http://www.phoenix-j.co.jp/
Placade Japan http://www.pjnet.ne.jp/auto/
Rizubi Trading http://www.rizubi.com
Showa Trade Co., http://www2.famille.ne.jp/~showatrd
Shines Co.Ltd http://www.netpro.ne.jp/~futagami/jpncars/carlist.htmEmail: jpncars@ibm.net
Star Auto http://www.starauto.co.jp/ (They use Autorec's stock!!)
Taiyo Auto Sales http://www.onaa.co.jp
Trust http://www.japanesevehicles.com http://www.japanesevehicles.co.jp
TNT Car Sales http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/auto5143/
Universal Trading http://www.universaltrading.cjb.net
Wonderful Auto http://www.w-a.co.jp/
Yokohama Trading Co. http://www.yokohama-trading.com/ Email: mitsy@yokohama-trading.com

Import Your Own Car into Australia - 1ST Step

1. First place to start http://www.dotrs.gov.au/land/vehicle/imports/impbroch.htm

2. Vehicle Standards Bulletins – including: http://www.dotars.gov.au
- Importing Cars to Aust (VSB10) and
- Low Volume Vehicles Compliance Holders (VSB8)
- A great place to go if you want to waste a lot of time.

3. Federal Office of Road Safety http://www.atsb.gov.au/fors/

4. Import Certification http://www.dotrs.gov.au/land/vehicle/imports/imp-cert.htm

5. Customs Requirements http://www.customs.gov.au/bizlink/imports/motor/index.htm

6. Vehicle Importers & Converters Association Of Australia
Canberra Business Centre,Bradfield St Downer ACT 2602 Tel: 02 6242-1370

Car Import fm JP to AUST - NSW Importer

New South Wales / A.C.T.

Big Boyz Toyz www.bigboyztoyz.com.au
Email: sales@bigboyztoyz.com.au
74 Victoria Road, Drummoyne, NSW 2047 tel: 02 9719 1144

DMRH special vehicles http://www.3rotor.com/dmrh
Email: dmrh@3rotor.com Castle Hill NSW 2158 tel: 02 8850-1787018 426-944

Drummoyne Classic Cars tel: 0416 166 1110412 580 526

E&M Unique Motors
21 Parramatta Road, (Cnr York Avenue) FiveDock NSW 2046 Tel: 02 9799 9333

Evo Motorsport
15 Essington Street,Mitchell, ACT Tel: 02 6241 8944

Gary Blogg Motors www.garybloggmotors.com.au
110 Parramatta Road, Granville, NSW 2142 Tel:02 9682 1733

Ichiban Performance Engines and Cars www.ichiban.com.au
Email: japeng@ozemail.com.au 13 Cunningham Street, Moorebank, NSW 2170
Tel: 02 9600 7066

Japanese Auto Centre http://www.japaneseautocentre.com.au
Email:n90923@rpdata.net.au 71-75 Parramatta Road, Concord, NSW 2137 Tel: 02 9744 0539

Jap-Link Motors
Email: jap-link@firstnet.com.au 459 Canterbury Road, Campsie, NSW 2194
Tel: 02 9789 36180418 602 933

Just-Jap Auto Imports
Unit 10 29/33 Waratah Street Kirrawee NSW
02 9545 0532

Kemuta Pty Ltd
2/22 Cleveton Astreet, Botany, NSW 2019 Tel: 02 9700 1395

Red Line Imports http://www.redlineimports.com.au
290 Pittwater Road North Ryde, NSW Tel: 02 9888 1080

Pittwater Auto Sales
573 Pittwater Road Brookvale, NSW
02 9938 4900

Prestige Imported Cars www.prestige-imported-cars.au.com
Email: andrew@prestige-imported-cars.au.com Unit 3/7 Ralph Black Drive, Wollongong, NSW 2519 Tel: 0412 924 4430419 999 051

SSS Automotive http://www.sssautomotive.com.au
5/120 Gilba Road, Giraween, NSW 2145
02 9896 6111
02 9636 1278

02 9261 07380413 323 8290410 720 631

Toy Shop Automotive Imports http://www.japimports.com.au
266 Main Road, Cardiff, NSW
02 4953 7277

Unique Auto Sportshttp://www.uniqueautosports.com
Email: sales@uniqueautosports.com E1, No2A Victoria Avenue, Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Tel; 02 96348000

Car Import into Australia - Requirement

There are several steps to privately importing a motor vehicle:

1. Obtain a "VEHICLE IMPORT APPROVAL" from the Vehicle Safety Standards Branch of the Department of Transport and Regional Services. Phone: 1800 815 272 (Australia only) or (02) 6274 7506, Fax: (02) 6274 6013, email: Vimports@dotars.gov.au;
2. Pay Customs duty, GST and Luxury Car Tax (LCT) where applicable and obtain a customs clearance at the port of entry; and
3. Obtain quarantine clearance from the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) after the vehicle has arrived at the port of entry. For more information visit the AQIS website on

Because of the various duty rates applicable, and the existence of two valuation regimes depending on whether the car was purchased before or on or after 2 March 1998, a publication, called the Guide to the Importation of Privately Owned Motor Vehicles or Motor Cycle" is available below which clearly describes the process involved and the methods to be used in calculating any duty and tax liability.

Any person may import a motor vehicle or a motorcycle into Australia as directed in the section Motor Vehicle Standards Act detailed below.
If you plan to drive the vehicle on Australia's roads it is essential that you contact the Vehicle Safety Standards Branch before importing the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle can meet the safety requirements and to obtain a permission to import the vehicle.

All privately imported vehicles are subject to the same rates of Customs duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) and, where applicable, Luxury Car Tax (LCT) as commercially imported vehicles. The Customs duty is based on the Customs value of the vehicle.

The rate of Customs duty payable is that which applies to the particular type of vehicle on the date it is entered for Customs purposes in Australia. GST and, where applicable, LCT applies at the date you import the vehicle into Australia. Without a permission to import, which can be obtained from the Vehicle Safety Standards Branch, a special duty of $12,000 may apply.

As Customs duty varies according to vehicle design and value, and is subject to change, you should contact a Customs office before importing any vehicle into Australia.
Prior to making a decision to import your vehicle you should take into account the costs involved in the process such as: freight, Customs duties and entry processing charges, steam cleaning for quarantine purposes, other wharf and transport charges and any costs involved in having the vehicle meet state or territory registration requirements (whether your vehicle will indeed meet these requirements should be checked prior to importation).

20 May 2008

Everyone has their life, but would you say YES to SOLO???

These days, not everyone believed that love should be a warm family, two mutual trust, and lasting happy with children...There is one life style becoming so popular - SOLO, some couples are living seperately & claiming they are AvAiLaBlE, whereas they do have their certain someone special, would you blame?

One of my friends, a cute goodlooking guy, made friend with a rich girl whose family had a lot of money. He told his mother that not to expect any wedding ceremony because he had no idea of how long he would stay with that girl or how many other girlfriends he was having at the same time, the only thing he would care about is fun & short-term enjoyness, of course no worry lifestyle, he would keep fishing, no one could ever be his special one, at least not right now. Another friend of mine said he had a lover who was just a junior student in college. If one of them made a boy/girlfriend, the other will leave the lover and go for a new relationship. I felt really sad and angry when I heard this style of emotion, but they are really happening just beside us & becoming so common. What would I say? I am totally out-of-date!!!

Although I am generation Y, I am still can't understand so-called SOLO & kind of hating these behaviours, NO believed in true love but acting the goat, NO concetion of responsibility in the dictionary any more, people just concerned how to consume and enjoy & the most important thing nowadays becomes worshiping money and freedom, sharing happy, fresh, exciting and beautiful things with the sweethearts, which all go far more ahead of responsibilities. We could image, after the enthusiasm, really nothing left - someone may say that they are still friends after friendly breaking up, but would you believe that in the deep bottom of heart, there is never a place that may hurt a little in the quirte night? Never been a dark memory that make you rush to get rid of your mind? Would you say you never regret about lossing that special someone because you were not care? Well, I would say thats horrible to me, I couldn't resist asking' where is the moral?' Haha, someone might say 'who hell cares?' Wow, so hurt, especially from those ones you love/care.

True love should share every emotion, including happyness and sorrow,exciting and boredom, freshness and weariness, lovers should company each other forever no matter what difficulties they are facing. I believed that true love will eventurally end up with a happy marriage, experience the traditional virtues, it's fully embody the responsibility, which should include tolerance, love, understanding, mutual help, obligation, etc., for long term, planning the future, caring parents, teaching children, even not easy, not beautiful sometimes, but thats the way what life should be, having a thankful heart to enjoy every process, when we get old, we could say, I have experianced all that life could give me & appreciate.

As a person who advocate the traditional virtues, it is just so sad when relationship becomes kind of needs rather than true love. Pls make the life be life, that is: Let's share happiness and woe with our lover instead of avoiding and escaping the obligation and burden.

10 May 2008


How many times have you heard people say: "I wished someone had told me that when I was young?" Well, here is what all young people and for that matter, most people, who feel uncomfortable about not being more financially comfortable should read. Follow these rules and you'll put yourself in the frame for a comfortable life. You might even wind up rich!

Flick the debt
Simply, you need to become a savvy investor and consumer. You have to avoid being embarrassed by too much debt and you need to be driving with a seatbelt in the fast lane of money.
What do you want?
Success handling money gets down to learning a handful of rules, which will determine whether you end up well-off or in the poor house. Stop for a moment and imagine what you want for yourself as you get older. A car? A house? A happy family? A comfortable life? A wealthy life?
Set for life
Let me give you a tip. The people who have new cars when they are young end up driving bombs later in life. And those who go for a second-hand car when they are young and invest their money often wind up with a house, a new car and overseas holidays later in life.
I recently met an officer in the army who is in his 30s, and because he has lived in army-supplied housing, he used the tax system to help him buy not one, not two, but five houses, which are all rented out. Apart from having a job he loves, he is set for life! Here are rules to practice and get rich by.

Rule one
Write down your goals - if your goals are not written down they are not on the planet!
Rule two
Next, do a budget. I know it sounds boring, but it will tell you an exciting story. It tells you how much you can save and here is my advice - it's probably the best money advice you have heard - pay yourself first.
Rule three
GST your life and take 10% of your pay each week and bank it or invest it, don't spend it! Grow it and it will make you rich. Have a look at these figures - let me put your life to money.
You will work for at least 40 years. Imagine if you average $50,000 a year for your working life, which means you save 10% or $5000 a year.
Over 40 years that gives you $200,000 but if you received say 7% a year return, you would wind up a millionaire. That's the power of compound interest.
Rule four
Have a bank account that your pay goes into and another to pay the 10% into. This should pay a higher interest rate. Right now you can get 8% on bank accounts, but many people are lucky to get 4% on their money! Why? They don't know or won't keep the rules.
As your money builds up you can put it into even better investments, such as a blue chip share portfolio or a great investment property.
Rule five
Make sure you always ask about the extra fees and charges that go with bank accounts, mobile phones and credit cards, which can add up to a big bill each year.
Rule six
Don't become a credit card patsy. Go to www.cannex.com.au and check it out!
You will see some cards charge 17-20% while others are 11-12%. Some charge an annual fee of $35 while others slug you for more than $100. Some give you 55 free days where you don't have to pay back the money, while others hit you from day one. We all use credit cards, so become an expert!
Rule seven
Do a bit of homework on your bills. Live by the motto that every dollar you give away through being undisciplined and slack to others makes you poorer and them richer.
Rule eight
Ask dumb questions to make you a smart consumer and investor. Never pretend you know, simply ask and keep asking until you understand. It's only dumb to pretend you know and end up losing money big time.
Rule nine
Become a tax expert. Some people say it sounds boring, but how can saving money be boring? How excited are you when you find a $100 bill in the street? Being a tax expert will give you lots of $100 bills!
The final rule
Rule 10 says surround yourself with a good accountant, financial adviser, lawyer and even a business coach. This will reduce the chances of making bad decisions and you can benefit from experts' knowledge. They can help reduce your tax, show you smart investments and possibly help you into a business, which can be the source of great wealth. It will cost you but these people, if they are good, save you a lot more than you ever pay them! Here's an example that proves the point: a couple with a $100,000 loan over 25 years wanted to pay it off early, but couldn't afford to pay more each week. So their adviser told them to put their $2000 tax return into their repayments in one go and this cut the loan down by nine years and saved $45,000! The minority in this world end up financially strong and they are the strong people who have kept these rules.