20 May 2008

Everyone has their life, but would you say YES to SOLO???

These days, not everyone believed that love should be a warm family, two mutual trust, and lasting happy with children...There is one life style becoming so popular - SOLO, some couples are living seperately & claiming they are AvAiLaBlE, whereas they do have their certain someone special, would you blame?

One of my friends, a cute goodlooking guy, made friend with a rich girl whose family had a lot of money. He told his mother that not to expect any wedding ceremony because he had no idea of how long he would stay with that girl or how many other girlfriends he was having at the same time, the only thing he would care about is fun & short-term enjoyness, of course no worry lifestyle, he would keep fishing, no one could ever be his special one, at least not right now. Another friend of mine said he had a lover who was just a junior student in college. If one of them made a boy/girlfriend, the other will leave the lover and go for a new relationship. I felt really sad and angry when I heard this style of emotion, but they are really happening just beside us & becoming so common. What would I say? I am totally out-of-date!!!

Although I am generation Y, I am still can't understand so-called SOLO & kind of hating these behaviours, NO believed in true love but acting the goat, NO concetion of responsibility in the dictionary any more, people just concerned how to consume and enjoy & the most important thing nowadays becomes worshiping money and freedom, sharing happy, fresh, exciting and beautiful things with the sweethearts, which all go far more ahead of responsibilities. We could image, after the enthusiasm, really nothing left - someone may say that they are still friends after friendly breaking up, but would you believe that in the deep bottom of heart, there is never a place that may hurt a little in the quirte night? Never been a dark memory that make you rush to get rid of your mind? Would you say you never regret about lossing that special someone because you were not care? Well, I would say thats horrible to me, I couldn't resist asking' where is the moral?' Haha, someone might say 'who hell cares?' Wow, so hurt, especially from those ones you love/care.

True love should share every emotion, including happyness and sorrow,exciting and boredom, freshness and weariness, lovers should company each other forever no matter what difficulties they are facing. I believed that true love will eventurally end up with a happy marriage, experience the traditional virtues, it's fully embody the responsibility, which should include tolerance, love, understanding, mutual help, obligation, etc., for long term, planning the future, caring parents, teaching children, even not easy, not beautiful sometimes, but thats the way what life should be, having a thankful heart to enjoy every process, when we get old, we could say, I have experianced all that life could give me & appreciate.

As a person who advocate the traditional virtues, it is just so sad when relationship becomes kind of needs rather than true love. Pls make the life be life, that is: Let's share happiness and woe with our lover instead of avoiding and escaping the obligation and burden.

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