1 June 2008

Import Your Own Car into Australia - 1ST Step

1. First place to start http://www.dotrs.gov.au/land/vehicle/imports/impbroch.htm

2. Vehicle Standards Bulletins – including: http://www.dotars.gov.au
- Importing Cars to Aust (VSB10) and
- Low Volume Vehicles Compliance Holders (VSB8)
- A great place to go if you want to waste a lot of time.

3. Federal Office of Road Safety http://www.atsb.gov.au/fors/

4. Import Certification http://www.dotrs.gov.au/land/vehicle/imports/imp-cert.htm

5. Customs Requirements http://www.customs.gov.au/bizlink/imports/motor/index.htm

6. Vehicle Importers & Converters Association Of Australia
Canberra Business Centre,Bradfield St Downer ACT 2602 Tel: 02 6242-1370

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