7 June 2008

SaD TaNgO - be a FaN of rAiN

The performance is breathtaking one... try to play & bear the 1st boring 30sec, then you will be paidback by the ever perfect experience... This man (Bi Rain) is from Korean but I was caught off guard by him singing in Japanese, & thanks to the youth in US, language skill is just additional to the young man... you may say the dance is so familiar, yeah, took Usher dancing style, but who cares... (even no one cares about his 'ugly looking' face whereas still be in upper echelons of 'fineness') his talent says everything, to be honest, who can say he is not more attractive than the black buddie... while, i am a fan of both. HEHE...

In this world, hope no one talk about racists & haters any more, no white or black, no asian or curry... but take every piece & bit advantage from all kind of cultures, be grateful, enjoy all sparkling shows & appreciate talented people who delivered the amazing sensation... ♥

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