7 Apr 2008

CSAA Pics 2007 - 2008

What a colourful world! All because of us... the greatest accounts team in the universe, such a pleasure to be one of it, the remarkable precious memory - will be with me - ALWAYS...

Customers Service Team, really lucky one, welcoming 2 new birth...
The Capricorn Ladies are sharing the same birthday. Even A/C manager, hohoho... 3/4 having same birthday, no one could possibly beat us, we are incredible... Envy us.....

WOW, big team, export, of course with several strangers!!!! miss you LIMA...
Farewell Dinner, wish you have a safty trip...
Seems we eventually got chance to take a pic. for the family, beside the food, everything is enjoyable...
For those who haven't got chance to see, come & take a close look, our secrete sales team, proudly presented by Mr. CSAA Spy.
To conclude, Heavyyyyyy Management Team!!!!

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