30 Nov 2008

2008 XMAS Sales


1. Honey & Beau are having a huge sample sale with massive discounts on current summer trends and summer and winter samples.Tops from $10Dresses from $20Jackets from $30
WHEN:Thursday 4th December 2008 - Sunday 7th December 2008
TIMES:10am - 6pm Daily
WHERE:86a Cnr McEvoy & McCauley St, Alexandria
Win List: will go on Sun, get S to take me there.

2. Shona Joy: T-shirts from $10, printed cotton and silk dresses from $40 & never seen before, one off samples

WHEN: Thursday 4th December 2008 - Saturday 6th December 2008
TIMES:Thursday: 9am - 7pmFriday: 9am - 5pmSaturday: 10am - 2pm
WHERE:room 5, level 1, 617 Elizabeth St, Redfern

Win List: quick shop with J. on Thur, few stocks whereas quality were pretty outstanding...
Brown Top - 100% cotton - $10
Golden Brown coat/dress - unique design, goes well with every single one piece - $70

3. Spencer & Rutherford Clearance Sale - Up to 60% off - Bags & Clothes

WHEN: Thursday 4th December - Saturday 6th December

TIMES: Thursday: 5pm - 9pm Friday: 11am - 8pm Saturday: 10am - 4pm

WHERE: Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden St Alexandria

No chance to visit, Sat was horribly hot...their collection are still too expensive & bit not my style...leave to next yr.


Leather bags from $50, casual bags from $20, leather belts from $15, wallets from $5, costume jewellery, summer shoes, and lots more all reduced to well below wholesale prices, as well as lots of new season samples at reduced prices.

WHEN:December 9th 2008 - December 13th 2008

TIMES: Tue - Wed: 9am– 5pm, Thu: 9am - 7pm , Fri: 9am – 5pm and Sat: 9am – 4pm

WHERE: Address: Gate 4. Building F, 13 Joynton Avenue Zetland (access via Merton Street, just off Elizabeth St) Ph: 02 96991930

Payment: EFT, M/C, VISA, 10% discount for cash

5. Cassette Society Warehouse Sale:

Massively reduced prices on all cassette society coveted summer pieces. Up to 70% off ....Printed Tees, Jersey Dresses, Cotton Vests, Denim & Accessories. Prices start at $10

WHEN: Friday 5th December 2008 - Saturday 6th of December 2008

TIMES: Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-4pm

WHERE: G/F, 125 Queen St Beaconsfield

Win List: missed

6. George Clothing Warehousing Sale:

The George warehouse clearance sale has 75 % off everything including 2008 fashion ranges, samples and seconds.

When: Saturday 6th Dec, 8.30am-3pm.
Where: 38 Ricketty Street, Mascot (02) 9304 6800.

Win List: missed, had their red top from Town Hall 2yrs ago, nice design but more formal, hardly find dayware...

7. Cooper St Clothing

up to 70% off dresses and separates including one-off samples and current stock, with prices starting from $20.

When: Friday 5th Dec, 8am-4pm and Saturday 6th Dec, 9am-3pm.
Where: 3 Little Collins Street, Surry Hills (02) 9211 4511

Win List: Good Bargin - bought 6 for $80, simple pieces for putting together with others to give the unique look

8. Tigerlily

Offering up to 80% off both Summer and Winter stock, this is a perfect time to pick up a Christmas gift!

WHEN: Thursday December 4th 2008 - Saturday December 6th 2008

TIMES: Thursday: 10am - 7pm Friday: 10am- 5pm Saturday:10am- 3pm

WHERE: Suite 101/Level 1, 267 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills

Win List: will never waste time on this brand again.

9. Jayson Brunsdon

Biggest yearly sale on December 5/6.

All to be cleared at up to 80 per cent off. Prices from $10, dresses from $100, separates $50 and under, evening wear/gowns from $100, shoes from $20 and accessories from $10. Cash Only

WHEN: Friday December 5th 2008 - Saturday December 6th 2008

TIMES: 10am-4pm

WHERE: 60 Cooper St, Surry Hills (entrance via Cooper Lane)

Win List: J, leave u to comment.

10. Lili Handbags/ Missco - UP TO 80% OFF

When:5th , 6th and 7th December 2008
Where: Unit 5, 5-15 Epsom Road, Rosebery Near the corner of Epsom and Botany Rds (next to Rosebery Hotel)
Payment: Cash , Eftpos and major credit cards accepted .
Time: Friday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Saturday - 9 am to 5 pm Sunday - 10 am to 3 pm

Shoes :

Andrea & Joen Spring Sales (www.andreaandjoen.com)

Jewllery Sales:

1. Mushu and Polli - jewellery and handbags

50 to 80 per cent offfrom labels including Manning Cartell, Marnie Skillings, Bec & Bridge and Arabella Ramsay.
540 Crown Street, Surry Hills (02) 9690 2098.

Win List: disappointed, not many choices with only 15% off not advertised 50-80%

2. Holly Jones Sales:


For one night only you are invited to an exclusive jewellery shopping night. Grab gorgeous Christmas gifts & enjoy a glass of champagne!
Up to 70% off past collections, current samples and one-off designs.

From $20.
Lucky Door Prize: $100 gift voucher to spend on the night or online at the Holly Jones Online Boutique

WHEN: Thursday 4th December, 2008
WHERE: Studio - Suite 1, 40 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089
TIME: 5pm - 9pm
PAYMENT: Cash, Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, Amex

28 Nov 2008


乳鴿肉質鮮甜可口,具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特點,常食不僅能滋陰益腎,還對神經衰弱、健忘、失眠等癥有療效。乳鴿以清蒸、燉煮、紅燒、鹵水和焗烤之法最為多 見,而遊萌今天做的香辣乳鴿,是先將其煮至斷生,取出斬件後,下鍋與辣椒一同爆炒而成,吃時鴿肉鮮美多汁,還有鮮辣的口感。




  1 指天椒去蒂切成圈,幹辣椒也切成圈;蒜頭拍扁去衣,蔥切段,姜切片;乳鴿洗凈,瀝幹水待用。

  2 燒熱半鍋水,放入幹辣椒、蔥段、香葉和姜片,加入1湯匙料酒,以大火煮沸後,放入乳鴿改小火煮15分鐘。

  3 撈起乳鴿,瀝幹水攤涼後,將乳鴿斬成塊狀。

  4 燒熱3湯匙油,放入蒜頭、蔥段、幹辣椒、指天椒、香葉和姜片,以小火炒至香氣四溢。

  5 倒入乳鴿塊,與鍋內食材一同炒勻,開大火爆炒1分鐘。

  6 加入1/3湯匙鹽、1/2湯匙生抽王、1/2湯匙雞粉和1/5湯匙白糖調味,便可上碟。






來源:大洋網 - 信息時報







鹽水自我按摩美容方法:7 Z+ n1 G; V! o' ]6 c( S5 t
- w1 }* P0 `1 Y3 J- J
8 q( ~* i) H& r; g) }. f8 x4 t( r2 m
; ?0 e b( Z9 a: h+ ] ^! y0 y. B  2、用右手中指指腹先按摩兩眉中間的印堂穴,以順時針方向旋轉100次。然後雙手中指指腹按壓兩眉之間,按壓處自下而上,推運額部至前發際處,再由額部自上而下反推至兩眉間。如此反復推運10-20次。# Y* _" m' k" r/ ?& T

3 O; D- b9 o: Y! E8 o% I  3、用雙手中指或拇指 指腹先輕微指壓太陽穴(眉梢與眼外眥之間向後3.3厘米處)約1分鐘,然後雙指對旋100次。再用兩側中指指腹由太陽穴起,沿眉下推運到眼內眥,由內眥經 下眼眶推運至眼外眥。如此按摩眼圈重復做10-20次推運按摩。再用雙掌根輕微安撫兩側眼窩(兩眼要輕輕閉合),輕輕施力,做相對旋轉按摩50次(以防眼 瞼和眼袋下垂)。
1 w3 v& m0 ]9 b; z) @. W7 I0 x. O9 t( [. S
  4、用雙手中指和環指指腹從下至上挑起眼外眥的魚尾紋,左右兩側各挑起10-20次。8 {1 l `$ }1 }& \# _

/ z2 H; \( b% p5 R- ]( [  以上以指腹按摩手法應避免損傷皮膚宜用輕按、輕柔、輕運、輕推,以免皮下組織受強力按摩而損傷,導致皮下淤血與皮膚松弛。

; |3 Q# n+ Q7 @2 B
8 p) l8 T/ M- \+ N  6、用雙手示指及中指指腹,以輕推運法由鼻唇溝沿鼻兩側向上移動,再用環指和小指在前額部輕微拖力撫壓。註意施力撫壓時,皮膚表面不移動。
8 q: Q; H6 s* C7 C: P' {
3 X2 y, z3 u+ S! p* x. C; ?  7、用拇指指腹及食指第二關節撓側面成涅夾式,順著口輪匝肌方向輕輕捏揉,不能用力過大和牽拉太重。適用於幹性皮膚。以增強血液循環,減少皺紋,增強彈性。$ A9 y- ]7 @& {5 H0 z4 ]% ?" s4 l* U
! y$ s6 r& \* d
6 L* C! g8 ~5 h5 i6 L$ i% d1 v
: b8 s7 C' S1 y) d1 t8 M: n4 [$ r  顏面按摩雖然可以使面容更美、更動人,但要註意按摩方向不能錯,原則是應由裏向外,自下而上這個順序。手指動作與皮膚皺紋成垂直方向。按摩施力時要輕微。如面部有炎癥、外傷、化膿和其他病變時,必要輕易按摩,以防感染擴散和病情加重。
6 x0 N* O8 V/ z% v+ a/ X3 s- c4 `5 t$ e D9 S1 H) r! Z7 ?
" j9 t1 D, x' K& ~ \

10 Nov 2008

Essential Oil

YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata)

Ylang Ylang means "flowers of flowers" and the tree is prized for its wonderful fragrant flowers.It is from these flowers that this beautiful oil is derived.Being much more affordable than Jasmine, it is a wonderful substitute, as it's properties and perfume are similar. Aids dry, oily or combination skin. Is a tonic for dry scalp, and is used in hair tonics to encourage growth and shine. Helps relieve nervous tension, stress, mild anxiety and insomnia.

Blends well with Bergamot, Jasmine, Lemon, Rose and Sandalwood.A known aphrodisiac.
YLANG YLANG OIL CAUTION NOTE: This Oil can become very overpowering if used in large amounts, so use very sparingly.Blending it with citrus oils will tone it down.

GERANIUM (Pelargonium graveolens)
Antibacterial, antifungal, refreshing, uplifting and cleansing. This beautiful aromatic oil blends well with most other oils, harmonising and balancing them.Sometimes known as the "womans oil" due to its regulative effect on the hormones. It is, therefore, a valuable aid for problems associated with a fluctuating hormone balance.Helps ease depression and nervous tension during menopause.A helpful oil for the treatment of cuts and wounds as it encourages speedy healing.Useful for acne, bruises, burns. Balances sebum production in the skin, thereby normalising and balancing both dry and oily skin.
GERANIUM OIL CAUTION NOTE: Can cause irritation on sensitive skin.

TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Pure Tea Tree Essential Oil is ranked as being the Number 2 of the top ANTISEPTIC oils, and is reputed to be 100 times stronger than carbolic acid but of course Tea Tree is extremely safe to use. (Thyme is No.1, but caution is needed with that oil).Tea Tree Oil is ANTIFUNGAL, ANTIBACTERIAL and ANTISEPTIC making it a medicine chest in a bottle.Pure Tea Tree Oil is used to treat a long list of ailments.Some of these include treatment of abscesses, acne, athletes foot, boils, blisters, blemishes, burns and minor scalds, rashes, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, insect bites, ringworm, nappy rash and infected wounds. It is one of the few Essential Oils that can be used undilluted on small areas of skin.