25 Feb 2008

Guide Resume - Characteristic Summary

Mature,dynamic and honest.

Excellent ability of systematical management.

Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourceful.

A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

Bright,aggressive applicants.

Ambitious attitude essential.

Initiative,independent and good communication skill.

Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.

Willing to assume responsibilities.

Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

Energetic,fashion-minded person.

With a pleasant mature attitude.

Strong determination to succeed.

Strong leadership skills.

Ability to work well with others.

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.

The ability to initiate and operate independently.

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.

Be highly organized and effecient.

Willing to learn and progress.

Good presentation skills.

Positive active mind essential.

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。

Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.

Good people management and communication skills. Team player.

Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.

Be elegant and with nice personality.

With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.

The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

Having good and extensive social connections.

Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.

With good analytical capability.

22 Feb 2008

Backstreetboys - Unbreakable - 6th album 2007

The Backstreet Boys are coming back again, have released their 6th album "Unbreakable", which is now near the top of the Billboard 100 charts. Been a long time heard nothing about this boy band, just SURPRISE a little, 4 ONLY, without my fav. member Kevin Richardson, was my dreamy man in early age. I thought I am done with this whole group & was guessing if there are still fans... But they did come back, with lots of heartthrob songs!

I am glad to be one of their fans in the concert, which I dreamed over years since primary school. Beside the late showup, everything else was amazing, incl. my perfect seats position. Haha, maybe things always end up a good way with no much expectation, isn't it?

As they mentioned, 15 yrs already, they all turn old, we could no longer call them "boys" but "men". However, the attractive & sexy vocals are now complimented by their maturity, and the songs still make me breathless, seems I am back to school age. Love their new album, love their harmonic polyphony!


14 Feb 2008

美容秘方 - 天然篇


1. 小黃瓜敷臉

作用:美白消炎 舒適及方便指數-->80%


2. 蜂蜜檸檬面膜

作用:美白 舒適及方便指數-->75%


3. 蜂蜜蛋白奶粉面膜(蛋白面膜)

作用:收斂緊實消炎鎮靜滋潤 舒適及方便指數-->75%


4. 蛋黃護髮

作用:滋潤乾燥受損的髮質 舒適及方便指數-->85%


5. 豆粉面膜

作用:去油去角質 舒適及方便指數-->90%


6. 凡士林保養

作用:滋潤及保濕 舒適及方便指數-->95%


7. 豆腐泥面膜
作用:美白抗氧化 舒適及方便指數-->80%


8. 蜂王漿敷臉
作用:活化肌膚促進細胞再生 舒適及方便指數-->80%


9. 檸檬皮或橘子皮

作用:抑制油脂分泌振奮精神 舒適及方便指數-->80%

檸檬皮及橘子皮皆有植物精油,能發揮抑油淨化及振奮精神的功效,可曬乾或新鮮使用,然而需要注意的是表面一定要洗乾淨,避免農藥的殘留,通常是泡水或酒(比例約1:5)做為收斂水.頭皮水.漱口水等,亦可直接添加於現成的化妝水或其他清潔性產品使用,然而調和後需盡速用完避免壞掉。 避免白天使用,橘类感光性会让皮肤变黑。

10. 牛奶爽身粉洗面乳


11. 牛奶蜂蜜mask:

所需要的材料:●牛奶●麵粉●蜂蜜 敷臉的時候:將牛奶1/2大匙、蜂蜜1大匙和適量的麵粉全都混合在一起,攪拌成糊狀。然後將面膜敷在全臉上,大約等待10~15分鐘之後,最後用溫水清洗乾淨。

12 乳液洗面法


13 洗米水紙膜



1. SPF防曬係數

SPF是Sun Protection Factor的簡寫,指的是防曬品對中波紫外線,即俗稱的UVB( Ultraviolet B)的防禦能力,是美國食品藥物管理局制定的標準。。而SPF就是根據皮膚的最低紅斑劑量來確定保護力的高低,也就是皮膚在日曬後出現紅斑的最短日曬時間。通常人皮膚的最低紅斑劑量(MED)是10分鐘,那抹上SPF15,就可在陽光下待15倍時間(10×15),亦即150分鐘內不會曬傷肌膚,依此類推。

2. IP防曬係數

IP(Indicia Protection),是歐洲對於UVB的防曬指數標準,計算方式為IP×2=SPF

3. PA防曬係數

PA是Protection grade of UVA的簡寫,指的是防曬品對長波紫外線UVA( Ultraviolet A)的防禦能力。 PA是日本化妝品聯業工會訂出的標準,PA是以+表示防禦力。+愈多防禦能力愈佳,三個+是上限,可抵擋約90%的UVA。

4. PPD防曬係數

PPD(Persistent Pigment Darkening),是美國食品藥物管理局使用的UVA防禦指數,也稱為持續性性色素沈澱指數,指在紫外線照射下二小時後所測出的色素穩定指數。用數字呈現,2~4等同一個+,4-6等同兩個+,6-8等同三個+。

5. PFA防曬係數

PFA(Protection Factor of UVA),是法國對於UVA的防禦指數,計算方法 PFA2-4=PA+ PFA4-8=PA++ PFA>8=PA+++



物理性防曬成分,主要包含:Cinnamates,防紫外線B光;Anthranilates,防部分紫外線A光;Benzophenes,防紫外線B光和部分A光;Parsol 1789,防紫外線A光和部分B光;Mexoryl SX,防部分紫外線B光和部分A光。化學性防曬成分,主要有:Titanium didxide,防紫外線A光和B光,僅達低防護標準;Zinc Oxide,防紫外線A光和B光,僅達低防護標準。



Water resistant:抗水,指防曬功效可以在水中維持40分鐘。

Sweat resistant:抗汗,指防曬功效可以在水中維持30分鐘。






KPF防禦係數: Keratin Protection Factor 角質素防護因子,是特別針對頭髮訂出的防曬標準,一共有1~10級,一般狀況下,選擇4~6級就夠了。

(source: http://www.beautyclub.com/)

13 Feb 2008


The most commonly used rules for the interpretation of trading terms in international trade are those defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). They are internationally recognised and are known as Incoterms. Incoterms signify to the buyer what is, and more importantly what is not, included in the selling price. They also indicate where the exporter's responsibility ends and the importer’s responsibility begins in respect of the goods exported. Which term will apply to a particular export transaction is a matter for negotiation between buyer and seller. However, inclusion of the appropriate term in export quotations is crucial in order to determine the responsibilities of both parties in the contract of sale.

EXW - Ex Works (... named place)
This term signifies that the price quoted is for supply of goods, packed for export, at the seller’s premises. The seller’s contractual obligation is discharged when the goods are made available to the buyer at the seller’s premises. The seller is not responsible for any element of transport or insurance cost or the cost of compliance with export formalities. However, the seller does have an obligation to load the goods onto the buyer’s collecting vehicle.

FCA - Free Carrier (... named place)
The seller’s obligations are fulfilled when goods are delivered to a carrier nominated by the buyer at a named point. It is the seller’s responsibility to clear the goods for export. If delivery takes place at the seller’s premises the seller has an obligation to load the goods onto the buyer’s collecting vehicle.

FAS - Free Alongside Ship (...named port of shipment)
This term means that the seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods are placed alongside a ship at a designated port. It is the seller’s responsibility to clear the goods for export. Note FAS can only be used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

FOB - Free On Board (... named port of shipment)
FOB is one of the most commonly used trading terms. The seller is responsible for all costs up to the point where the goods actually cross the ship’s rail at the named port of loading. This term should only be used for non-containerised sea transport. For airfreight and containerised seafreight use FCA.

CFR - Cost and Freight (... named port of destination)
“The seller’s price includes all charges up to the arrival of the goods at the point of discharge from the vessel. It does not, however, include the cost of insuring the goods against loss or damage while in transit to that point. This term should not be used for airfreight or containerised seafreight – see CPT

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight (... named port of destination)
Very widely used, use of this term indicates that the seller’s price includes all charges up to the arrival of the goods at the point of discharge from the vessel including the cost of insuring them against loss or damage whilst in transit. This term should not be used for airfreight or containerised seafreight – see CIP.

CPT - Carriage Paid To (... named place of destination)
The seller is responsible for the cost of freight up to the point where the goods are delivered to a specified destination but is not responsible for insuring the goods against the risk of loss or damage whilst in transit. It is the buyer’s responsibility to clear the goods for import.

CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid To (... named place of destination)
“CIP” indicates that the seller is responsible for the cost of freight up to the point where the goods are delivered to a specified destination including the cost of insurance against loss or damage during transit.

DAF - Delivered At Frontier (... named place)
Use of this term indicates that the seller’s obligation is fulfilled when the goods are delivered to a specified point at the frontier. There is no responsibility on the part of the seller to declare the goods to the customs in the importing country but it is the seller’s responsibility to clear the goods for export.

DES - Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)
The seller accepts responsibility to make the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the port of discharge. Obviously this term cannot be used for airfreight consignments. It is the seller’s responsibility to clear the goods for export but not for import at the port of discharge.

DEQ - Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid) (... named port of destination)
The seller is responsible for making the goods available to the buyer on the wharf at the port of discharge. The seller must bear all costs and risks involved in placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the port of destination. This term cannot be used for airfreight shipments.

DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid (... named place of destination)
The seller’s obligation is fulfilled when the goods have been made available at a specified point in the seller’s country. The buyer bears all costs incurred in delivering them to that point. The buyer is responsible for duties and taxes etc. payable when goods are cleared through customs.

DDP - Delivered Duty Paid (... named place of destination)
The seller’s obligation is fulfilled when the goods have been made available at a specified point in the buyer’s country. In this case the seller is also responsible for payment of duties, taxes and other customs clearance charges.

INTL TRADE - Measurement Caculation - Air & Sea


Carton Dimensions: 40cm X 40cm X 60cm each carton
Carton Gross Weight: 6kg each Carton
Inner Packets: 24 Packets per export Carton

Calculate Airfreight cost:

If known Cartons No.: 15 Cartons / Freight Rate: AUD 2.90/kg, Calculation as below:

Actual Weight = 6kg x 15 = 90 kg
Total CBM / Cartons = 96000 cm 3 1kg = 6000 cm3
Volumetric Weight = 96000 cm3 x 15 cartons / 6000 cm3 = 240 kg

As we choose the greater weight as the chargeable weight, we use volumetric weight which is 240kg to calculate total Freight Cost.

Total Freight = 240 kg x $2.9/kg = $696

Calculate Ocean Freight Cost.

If known: Cartons No: 150 Cartons / Freight Rate: AUD 80.00/cbm, Calculation as below:

1. Actual CBM = 96000 cm3 x 150 = 0.096m3 x 150 = 14.40m3
2. Gross Weight = 6kg x 150 = 900 kg 1000kg = 1m3
CBM = 900kg / 1000kg = 0.9 m3

As we choose the greater Volume as the chargeable Volume, we use actual CBM 14.40m3 to calculate total Freight Cost.

Total Freight = 14.40m3 x $80.00/cbm = $1152

INTL TRADE & EXPORT - Definition

1. What is Bill of Lading? What does the Endorsement “Shipped on Board” indicate

It is the primary document between the ship’s operator and the exporter, it is the receipt from ship’s operator for the cargo, it is also a documentary evidence of contract of carriage, it is a document of title of goods specified, it is no negotiable instrument, but can used to transfer title to the goods described and provided it is correctly endorsed.
And it usually specifies on the reverse the operator’s terms and conditions for the contract of carriage.

“Shipped on Board” is conclusive evidence that the goods have been received ad shipped in accordance with the details on the face of the Bill of Lading. And after the cargo has been physically loaded onboard the vessel as nominated on the face of B/L, the bill of lading then is released after the vessel has sailed from the port.

2. ATA Carnet

A carnet is an international customs document that allows goods to be brought into Australia without the payment of customs duty and taxes and without the need for a formal customs entry.

ATA carnet are used for a wide variety of goods coming into Australia temporarily (or member countries), it will only be accepted for goods being temporarily imported under those conventions, which have been acceded to by Australia. (ie Exhibitions, Samples, Scientific/professional equipment, welfare material etc. Listed in Sec 162A)

ATA carnet normally related to goods other than private motor vehicles.

3. Export Permits:

Export Permits are to be obtained from the relevant PIA for all goods subject to export prohibition or restriction prior lodging an export entry.

4. EDN’s

Export Declaration Number, if the permit numbers (incl. permit prefix) are correctly shown on export entry declarations to enable the issue of an export clearance. (EDN suffixed with a “C”)

5. Embargoes

If export the goods listed in the DSGL to the specified country are subject to export restriction, and the countries to which this form of embargo applies are listed in the DoD publication. It is like a trade choice between countries, ie US and Cuba.

9 Feb 2008

Australian Wine Growing Regions

Australian Wine comes from the majority of Australian wine producing regions, with Western Australia being the exception. This represents 98% of the Australian vineyard areas. These wines have driven the international export success of Australian wine over the last 15 years


Barossa Valley
In 1842 immigrants from England, Germany and Poland established one of Australia's best-known and historic wine regions, the Barossa Valley. The main red varieties now grown are Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache and the key white grape varieties are Riesling, Semillon and Chardonnay.
Shiraz abounds in the Barossa, and is probably the wine for which the region is most famous. Riesling is the other classic Barossa variety. The style is quintessentially Australian - quite unlike the European Riesling. The region also produces excellent quality Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay.

Adelaide Hills
This is South Australia's oldest wine region with vines grown and wines made as early as the 1840's. It is recognised as a premier cool climate region of Australia.
The cool, high altitude vineyards create fine sparkling and still wines of intense flavour, good acid structure, elegance and balance. Varieties grown include Chardonnay and Pinot Noir for both sparkling and bottled wines in the coolest parts; Riesling, Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot in the slightly warmer areas; and Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Shiraz in the lower altitudes.

The Riverland receives a great deal of sunshine and this, together with its rich sandy loam soils and plentiful water supply makes up Australia's largest wine growing region. Around two-thirds of South Australia's and almost one-third of Australia's wine grapes, are grown here. Once home to varieties for fortified and brandy production, the region has undergone a quiet transformation over the past decade and now produces premium varietal bottled wines with generous flavours.
The region is renowned for its rich and flavoursome Chardonnay grape, which excels in the warm climate providing generous fruit flavours. More Chardonnay is now grown in the Riverland than the combined total of all other regions in South Australia. Shiraz, and Merlot are also well suited and produce full flavoured wines.

McLaren Vale
Located approximately 40 minutes south of Adelaide the McLaren Vale region is situated close to the sea amongst green pastures and olive groves. The region is made up of a mixture of wineries ranging from new to very old and from small to medium in size.
McLaren Vale has a dry Mediterranean climate and is generally hot, however it is tempered by sea breezes from the Gulf of St Vincent. This climate together with Ironstone and sandy loam soils produce high quality fruit for the production of intensely flavoured bottled wine.
McLaren Vale is known for rich, full-bodied reds from Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon. It has also started to gain more recognition for producing Chardonnay, Grenache and Merlot.

Langhorne Creek
Located near McLaren Vale, Langhorne Creek is regarded as one of the best-kept secrets in Australian Viticulture. The cooling breezes of the Great Southern Ocean sweeping over Lake Alexandrina help make Langhorne Creek a focus for fine cool climate wines.
Traditionally a red grape-growing region it is known for its production of outstanding Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. Langhorne Creek reds are renowned for their soft tannins and full-flavoured fruit-driven palates, excellent depth of colour and medal winning quality. This region now also has a large area of high quality Chardonnay and Riesling.

Clare Valley
Situated north-west of the Barossa, settlers from England, Ireland and Poland first moved into the region during the 1840's, producing a rich heritage of architecture and villages which remain largely intact and make it one of Australia's most picturesque wine regions.
The climate of the region provides cool to cold nights and warm to hot summer days. Clare (and in particular the sub-region of Watervale) is famous for Riesling, but the area also produces some outstanding Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz.

Located in the southeast corner of the State, 400 km from Adelaide, this region has become famous for its red wines and for the Terra Rossa soil from which the vines flourish. The actual wine region stretches 30 km from north to south and is 2-3 km at its widest point.
The combination of a cool to warm climate and the region's famous terra rossa soil that sits on top of well-draining limestone produces some of Australia's most outstanding Cabernet Sauvignon wines.

Situated near its more famous cousin, Coonawarra, this younger wine region shares the same 'red gold' soil of terra rossa but is significantly warmer and produces wine of great flavour and depth. The principal red varieties grown in this region are Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon, however the region is famed for the style and quality of its Chardonnay.


Hunter Valley
The birthplace of Australian Wine and home to Australia’s oldest continuously operating winery – Wyndham Estate, established in 1828. Nestled under the Brokenback Ranges and two hours drive north of Sydney, the climate is warm to hot through the growing season with high humidity and rain. However, sea breeze and cloud cover that often rolls into the valley in the afternoons provides a moderating cooling effect.
Aged Hunter Valley Semillon and Shiraz are generally what the region is famous for, and the style of these wines are quite unique when compared with many other regions around Australia and around the world. The region also produces excellent examples of Chardonnay.

Mudgee is situated 256-km northwest of Sydney on the slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The climate throughout the growing season is warm to hot, but differs from the Hunter Valley in terms of overall rainfall, especially in summer. For over 150 years wine has been made here and the fruit produced is generally accepted as good quality. Mudgee produces full-bodied reds, mainly from Cabernet Sauvignon and also some excellent white wines from Chardonnay here

The Riverina district is one of the largest grape growing areas in Australia. After both World Wars the area welcomed many European migrants, of whom many were Italian, and it is their influence that has shaped the Riverina wine industry. The Riverina is very hot and has the ability to produce high yields, which are possible due to the Murrumbidgee Irrigation scheme.
Summer rain helps to provide the humidity to produce botrytis cinerea (noble rot). It is the sweet wine style from the botrytis-affected Semillon for which the region is famous. The Riverina is planted with Semillon, Chardonnay, Marsanne, Verdelho, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The region supports many wine styles, from medium bodied dry red and white wines, to sparkling and fortified and also the sweet whites.

With more than 20 wine regions in Victoria, only a selection have been described.
Victoria's wine history began in 1838 and Victoria was the premier wine State in Australia until the spread of phylloxera, a change in taste/market demand and the expansion of the wine trade in South Australia stunted growth in the State. However the industry has gone from strength to strength since the 1970's with viticultural regions once again encircling Melbourne.

Yarra Valley
A premium wine region east of Melbourne, the Yarra Valley is so close to the outer fringe of Melbourne that there is a danger of the urban sprawl restricting future growth. The climate is cool making it ideal for Pinot Noir and Chardonnay bottled wines for which it is renowned, as well as sparking wines. Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling are also grown.

Mornington Peninsula
Directly south of Melbourne and approximately one hour's drive, this picturesque region comprises mostly small boutique wineries. Cool climate also, this region produces excellent Pinot Noir, Chardonnay as well as Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Riesling.

Located west of Melbourne, Geelong was devastated by Phylloxera in the late 1800's but was reborn in the mid 1960's. Geelong remains a small but premium cool climate region strongly influenced by its windy coastal location. The region is famous for some of Australia's best Pinot Noirs, as well as Shiraz, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon.

Macedon Ranges
Similar in climate to the Champagne region in France, production here concentrates on Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, often used as a base for sparkling wine.

Goulburn Valley
Established in the 1850's this region is located in central Victoria and growing Marsanne, Viognier, Roussanne and Shiraz. The region claims to be the 'home of Rhone varieties' in Australia. The climate is generally hot with slightly cooler areas within and is also known for its gutsy Shiraz.

Located in Central Victoria approximately 120 km north-west of Melbourne, Bendigo's climate is warm and dry making it renowned for red wines, especially minty Cabernet Sauvignon and rich berry fruit Shiraz.

Situated on the banks of the Murray River, close to the NSW border, the wineries around Rutherglen are rich in history. The former gold mining town became a major centre for red and fortified wine once the gold ran out. Today it is Australia’s capital for fortified wine, especially liqueur Tokay and Muscat.

Australia's biggest state, Western Australia has the country's most isolated wine regions in its southwest corner. Since 1970 the area has undergone many changes with many new regions coming into existence, some of which are described here:

Swan Valley
The wine industry of Western Australia began in this area which is situated on the outskirts of Perth. One of Australia's hottest regions, the major varieties planted include Chenin Blanc, Verdelho and Shiraz. Typically the wines are soft, flavoursome, medium to full-bodied styles.

Margaret River
Located on the coast some 260-km south of Perth, this region, in a little over 30 years, has become a flourishing centre for an internationally recognised wine industry. The climate is maritime with long cool ripening periods and free draining soils, making it ideal for premium quality fruit. Responsible for only 1% of Australia's production, the region makes up as much as 20% of the premium wine market. Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Semillon, Pinot Noir and Shiraz varieties have won many accolades and are sought after both nationally and in international markets.

Great Southern
Great Southern is Australia's largest and Western Australia's coolest viticultural region and consists of five sub regions with a range of continental and maritime influences. Varieties that perform well include Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Riesling.

Tasmania is a small island with a sublime landscape off the southeast corner of Australia. The climate of the Tasmanian vineyards is cool, ideally suited for the production of superb, tightly structured sparkling wine from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir and crisp, delicately flavoured bottled wines from Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, wines notable for their finesse and naturally balanced acidity.

Not surprisingly, due to the warmer and humid climate, Queensland only produces a small amount of wine compared with the other States. However, like other regions, vineyard developments are steadily on the increase. Queensland boasts the closest vineyard to the equator. Vineyards require a high altitude site to compensate for Queensland's hot climate.
The major region is called the Granite Belt. Vineyards are also found in the Roma, Mt Tamborine, Purga, and Amberley districts. Typically the wines are well-flavoured medium to full-bodied styles, mainly made from Semillon, Chardonnay, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon.

(source:JACOB'S CREEK)

Wine Export - Licence Application & Fee

You will require this licence if you intend to export wine and other defined grape products. In order to obtain a licence, consideration is given to a number of defined criteria as set down in current legislation. Exporters of grape products are required to be licensed where individual shipments exceed 100 litres.

Act:Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980

Licence application fees are not refundable in the event that the applicant subsequently
withdraws the application or the AWBC decides not to grant the application.

Initial export licence application for one year.
Levy Payer*: $298.10
Non Levy Payer: $1,192.40
One year renewal for all Licence holders: $266.20

* A levy-payer is a winemaker who is liable to pay the levy pursuant to Schedule 26 to
the Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Act 1999

Duration: All new licences expire on the following 31st May, irrespective of when the licence was issued. Your application can be submitted online at

Associated Information There are certain prescribed criteria that are taken into consideration when assessing the application. They include the financial standing of the applicant, the applicants ability to obtain grape products from Australian suppliers, and other matters applicable to the applicant's experience relating to the promotion of wine, including any that may adversely affect the export of wine. Furthermore the applicant must have a place of business in Australia.

Two written commercial references must be supplied, one from the bank of the business making application, the other, a commercial reference. Where the business making the application is not a producer, assurances of supply are required from producers guaranteeing to supply the product.

Other documents include: Guide to Export - A Guide for Exporters of Australian Wine Available at

Contact Details:
Organisation: Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation
Contact Position: Licensing Officer
Telephone: 08 8228 2050
Postal Address: PO Box 2733 Kent Town SA 5071

8 Feb 2008

Wine Export - China (Label Requirement & Tarrif)

Label information required by China’s Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) includes:

  • Name or brand of wine
  • Ingredients
  • Net Content (ml)
  • Alcoholic Content (percent)
  • Production Date (yy/mm/dd)
  • Packer & Distributor
  • Importer (name and address)
  • Country of Origin
  • Quality Guarantee and/or Storage Period (yy/mm/dd)
  • Sugar Content (gram/I)

Above information can be printed on the back label, but necessary for wine code application.

Tariff on imported wine in China - 2007 Dec (source: www.wines-info.com)

i. The active rate of the imported bottle wine's tariff (The tax levied to pay by RMB)
1). Import Tax: 14% (CIF X 14%);
2). Value Added Tax: 17% (CIF + Import Tax Value) X 17%
3). Consumption Tax: 10% [ (CIF + Import Tax Value) / (1 - 10%)] X 10%

ii. The active rate of the imported bulk wine's tariff (The tax levied to pay by RMB)
1). Import Tax: 20% (CIF X 14%);
2). Value Added Tax: 17% (CIF + Import Tax Value) X 17%
3). Consumption Tax: 10% [ (CIF + Import Tax Value) / (1 - 10%)] X 10%

Remark: according to the China government and the Chile government bilateral preferential trade agreement policy the imported tariff ratio of Chilian wine: Below 2L is 12.6%. & Above 2L (including bulk wine) is 18%.

Wine Export - China (Market & Pricing)

The large and growing potential wine market in China offers many exciting opportunities for wine exporters, but dominating the high-end market, competition among exporters is fierce. Early market entrants like France and Italy have high market recognition and are known as 'Old World' suppliers of quality, premium wine products. Later market entrants like Australia, Chile and the USA are called 'New World'. Their wines are perceived as a little less prestigious but more value for money.

An expanding middle class, rising incomes, a growing interest in Western lifestyle and tastes, and better wine education have driven rise in consumption. While 80% of all wine consumed is red (it's perceived as healthier and red is the colour for good luck)

In China, domestic brands still dominate the large, price-sensitive market segment with 57 percent of red wine and 61 percent of white wine sold at under RMB60 (A$10) per litre. Mid-range wines (RMB60-120= A$10-20/L) continue to grow as consumers have higher disposable incomes and better wine education. Imported wines (retailing between A$16-65) are a much smaller market percentage, but opportunities for bulk shipping and bottling in China could greatly reduce import prices, bringing them on par with domestic wines. Premium wines constitute 10 percent of total volume sales. Expatriates and wine aficionados are the main target market for these wines.

In China, on-trade sales (clubs, pubs, bars) still lead wine sales (70 percent), but off-trade sales (supermarkets, discounters, direct sales) are showing an increase as people seek cheaper prices in boutiques, supermarkets and over the internet, and buy more wine as gifts.